Thursday, 2 November 2017

Top 10 Sea fishing Youtubers

Heres the top 10 You tubers creating Sea Angling content for the U.K. 

I've just finished this video and its created a lot of conversation and controversial comments. It's amazing how tribal we can get! All in good spirits though and id imagine that throughout the U.K more and more people will be trying their hand at creating youtube fishing videos.
My own channel makes the top ten (well at number 8)
You might have your favorite but here's what I think makes for a good channel;

Top 5 things to do to create a good fishing channel.

1. Have good audio
There's nothing more annoying than poor audio, I think people will only put up with poor audio for the most exceptional footage only. Other than that it can ruin your video.
2.Be yourself
Trying to be someone else is obvious even to someone that doesn't know you. If your unsure say so if your excited show it. People will warm to you if you're natural in your videos so let us know what how your feeling.
3.Tell a story
Its a bit of a cliche but your fishing trip or tackle unboxing contains a story- That's right even a dull how-to video has some form of narrative

4. Cut out the crap
Footage that doesn't tell a story has to go ... We've got small attention spans here so cut out the nonsense.

Close-ups are relevant to Sea fishing because we want to see the rig you used or the colours on that fish or your bait presentation, take the time to consider this in the context of the story and it will enhance your story.

I've got all the above wrong at some point so I need to up my game and improve too. Feel free to let us know about your channel if it's not on our top 10 either here or over at our channel

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